Funny Ways to Describe Open Bar

Increase Foot Traffic & Make Your Customers Laugh

Attracting new traffic to your restaurant or bar is very important in ensuring that you have a constant flow of income. While you'll be doing some classic marketing through digital or physical advertising, taking some creative routes will help you stand out from the crowd.

Customers have many options to choose from when deciding what bar or restaurant they want to go to, so it is important to find a way to set yourself apart from the competition. One of the easiest ways to do this is to be creative with your sign usage. Use humor to make your establishment memorable and keep customers coming back.

Whether you are hanging up signs around your bar or putting a foldable chalk sign out front, amusing language can entice potential customers to come in and grab a drink.

We put together this list of 84 clever, witty sign ideas to help you boost your sales! We encourage you to take a look, pick some that signs that fit the personality of your establishment, and try them out! They are sure to generate some buzz! They'll catch the attention of customers, and if you do it right, even get you some additional exposure on social media.

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Life Advice for Your Loyal Patrons

Show your customers that you care for them and give them some great pieces of advice! Again, be creative with the execution of these signs. Put them up around your bar or even above your self-pour wall. Your customers will find them funny, and they might even want to take pictures with them!

  1. There are better things in the world than alcohol. But alcohol sort of compensates for not getting them.
  2. Just because it's a bad idea, doesn't mean it won't be a good time
  3. Beer: the perfect temporary solution to any problem
  4. The hangover only lasts a day, but the memories last a lifetime
  5. I only drink a little, but when I do, I turn into another person, and that person drinks a lot.
  6. Life happens. Beer helps.
  7. Alcohol: because no good story ever started with a salad
  8. Sorry! No Wi-Fi. Talk to each other and get drunk
  9. "Trust me, you can dance." – Beer
  10. This wine is making me awesome
  11. Drinking responsibly means not spilling it

It's More Fun With Drinks

If you need to convince customers to get another drink, these are some fun signs to have. Everything is more fun when you add your favorite beverage, so put these signs up as a subtle (or not so subtle) reminder for your customers!

  1. In alcohol's defense, you have done some pretty dumb stuff sober too…
  2. Do you know what's fun about being sober? NOTHING
  3. You're making too many sober decisions
  4. Are you suffering from painful sobriety? Let us help you.

The Best Time to Drink a Beer is All the Time

A lot of things in life are not up to us, so when your customers come into your bar, they deserve no judgment. Place some of these signs near your entrance to show that all drinkers are welcome!

  1. I only drink on days that start with "T": Tuesday, Thursday, Today, Tomorrow, Thaturday, Thunday
  2. Whiskey Wednesday: It's like Taco Tuesday but for Badasses
  3. Forecast for tonight: alcohol, low standards, and poor decisions
  4. You can't fix the weather but I can fix a drink

Drinks and Friends

These are great to have at seating areas and tables. Print them on table tents or stands. Your patrons are guaranteed to get a chuckle out of these while drinking with their friends.

  1. If you have to ask if it's too early to drink beer, you're an amateur and we can't be friends
  2. Beer because you don't win friends with salad

Alcohol with Classic Quotes

These are also great for almost anywhere around the establishment, and some would even be great for the outside of your building, pointing towards the entrance. It's a great way to potentially attract more traffic in an easy and funny way.

  1. Drinkology: sometimes you just have to drink about it
  2. You say alcoholism, I say liver Crossfit
  3. You are the hops to my barley
  4. Sorry you didn't get an iPad for Christmas, we've got IPA but it's up to you to figure out the D
  5. My doctor says I need glasses
  6. Sip me baby one more time
  7. Sip happens. It's ok to wine
  8. Twinkle twinkle little star, point me to the nearest bar
  9. Roses are red, beer is great, poems are hard…. BEER!
  10. I will never drink again (image of Dory from "Finding Nemo") oh look! Fireball!

  1. Alcohol is not in my Vodkabulary. However, I looked it up on Whiskeypedia and learned if you drink too much of it, it's likely tequilya
  2. Sip sip hooray!
  3. Keep calm and go to the pub (arrow pointing toward establishment)
  4. To beer or not to beer, that is a silly question
  5. I finally stopped drinking for good. Now I drink for evil
  6. Today's offer: Buy any 2 drinks & pay for both of them

Alcohol vs. Water

These are great for around the bar, and if you have a self-pour setup with a dedicated tap for water, these are great signs to put directly above.

  1. Save water, drink beer
  2. Alcohol may not solve your problems but neither will water
  3. Drink plenty of water in this heat. Beer is made up of 97% water
  4. Vodka is just fun water
  5. In wine there is truth, in beer there is strength, in the water there are bacteria


Drop some truth bombs about beer on your loyal customers with these. They'll be best around the bar or above your tap wall.

  1. I hope those mosquitoes are enjoying my blood alcohol level as much as I am
  2. Beer, now cheaper than gas! Drink, don't drive.
  3. Stop trying to make everyone happy. You're not beer
  4. Beer is not the answer. Beer is the question. Yes is the Answer
  5. There are two kinds of people: those who enjoy beer and the rest of you poor bastards
  6. Why limit happy to an hour?
  7. 24 hours in a day 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? I think not
  8. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder
  9. Good people drink good beer
  10. The best type of beer is an open one
  11. Beer, the perfect temporary solution to any problem
  12. Beer will change the world, I don't know how, but it will
  13. Everyone needs…something to believe in. I believe…that I'll have another beer

  1. Life is too short to drink cheap beer
  2. And yes. beer runs do count as exercise
  3. I am… (empty box) Republican, (empty box) Democrat, (checked box) having a glass of wine
  4. I just rescued some wine. It was trapped in a bottle
  5. Not to get technical… but according to chemistry alcohol is a solution
  6. Booze, food, fun (arrow point to the bar), real-life (arrow point to the street)
  7. Sure, I can multitask. I can drink beer and watch the game!
  8. Why overthink when you can overdrink? Please drink responsibly.
  9. It's no coincidence that beer rhymes with cheer
  10. The couple that drinks together stays together
  11. Education is important, but beer is more importanter
  12. Of course, size matters. No one wants a small glass of wine
  13. The only run you should be going on is a beer run
  14. Come in and try the worst cup of coffee that one woman on TripAdvisor had in her life

COVID-19 Signage

These are some great signs to put outside of your establishment to remind guests you are open while adding some comic relief.

  1. Eat. Laugh. Distance.
  2. Today's drink special: the Quarantini! It's just a regular martini, but you have to drink it socially distant
  3. Fact: Alcohol kills germs. Come join us!
  4. If your hands are consuming more alcohol than your mouth, come in and change that.
  5. Hungry? We will FEED you. Thirsty? We will get you a DRINK. Sick of being lonely? We will get you DRUNK!
  6. Come on in. Our alcohol is strong. Our hand sanitizer is stronger.

hand sanitizer sign

We Couldn't Find a Category for These, so We're Just Going to Drink Beer Instead

76. Menu:

       Starter: beer

        Entree: beer

        Dessert: beer

       Soup of the day: beer

77. We have beers as cold as your ex's heart

78. Free beer! Topless bartenders and false advertising

79. I'm a wine enthusiast. The more wine I drink, the more enthusiastic I become!

80. Innocent grapes died for you

81. Do not read the next sentence…. You little rebel, I like you…. Join me for a drink!

82. Free Wi-Fi, G reat Beer

83. Soup of the Day: It comes in a glass. It's called BEER.

84. WANTED: CUSTOMERS . No experience required. Full training will be given. Please apply at the bar. Sense of humor &  love of beer is essential…

While signs are one way to get more attention, allure new customers in, or encourage your customers to take pictures in your establishment, a more sophisticated way to bring customers in is by installing self-pour technology. Self-pour tech is overtaking the U.S. market and now also spreading to markets in Europe and Asia! Many bars and restaurants found a great way to differentiate themselves by bringing the self-pour revolution to their neighborhoods and towns. Besides providing a unique experience, self-pour brings a variety of benefits to the operators and customers.

If you would like to learn more about how self-pour could help you and your business thrive, contact us at cheers@pourmybeer or fill out a form below and someone from our team will be in touch shortly.

Now go get that foot traffic!


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