Funny Tweets to Chear People Up

Life can feel like an isolating slog through hell on a bad day and sometimes you just need a laugh to feel grounded again. We find that funny, relatable tweets are the best medicine as they offer you solace, a laugh, and the knowledge that you are not alone. Life's tough and we've all had our fair share of bad days so there are no shortage of relatable tweets out there to comfort you!

We took a deep dive into the world of Twitter to find you some truly remarkable tweets that speak to our shared humanity. After all, you don't have to suffer alone, you can share your every waking thought with the world on Twitter should you need company. So many people have and thus, we were able to compile this relatable list for you. Enjoy!

These Relatable Tweets Will Make You Feel 100% Seen!

Are You Normal?

25 relatable tweets

A pizza is not a pizza unless each pepperoni is placed just so, right? We always do this so for us this is relatable content.


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Who else has had this exact feeling at one point throughout the pandemic? We're pretty sure you're doing your best and we're not going to fault you for it.

On Reaching Out

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On second thought, let's give each other a break shall we? You deserve to not be reached every once and while and there's not a thing wrong with that.


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It's only the polite thing to do when you have no clue what the hell is going on. Just sit there and wait to discover the boldest among you.

This Zoom Life

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Who hasn't been this little girl at one point over the last year plus? The Zoom meetings are a lot but you're going to make it through.


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Actually, no. But, after you make the switch from queen to king you wonder how you ever did that before. May your bed be as big as your dreams!

Just Curious

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It's fine to be careful. Really. "Better safe than sorry," is a thing running through people's heads constantly and you can't fault folks for that.

Bottle It All Up

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Is this the most relatable of the relatable tweets? It's likely. Honestly, nothing ever is helped by an outburst of anger but it sure does hurt to swallow that down at times.

Hit Repeat

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Okay, this is the most relatable of the relatable tweets. Who doesn't love to wear out a song or record? We're pretty sure humans are hardwired to do this very thing. After all, good music releases endorphins in the brain so, you're just doing what makes you feel good!

Now You See Me

25 relatable tweets

It's okay to not look like a supermodel! Really! You are perfectly fine being a normal-looking person with an actual lived experience that leaves you looking less than your best at times. Society making us feel guilty for this is the real evil.

Florida Ruins Lives

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Who doesn't hate losing a great hairdresser? The right person is hard to come by! Keep the people who handle your hair close. Very close.

The Ways of This World

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One of the most relatable tweets about growing up and accepting adulthood, can be found here. A good hand cream can be a godsend in these times of sanitized mitts.

Life Lesson

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This tweet is a revelation. Who else is ordering bigger bowls right now? Why is salad the messiest thing on planet Earth to eat?

RELATED: 25 of the Best Funny Parenting Tweets We Laughed at In March

A Way of Life

25 relatable tweets

There's a lot to accomplish in a day. It's okay to not cross everything off of your to-do list. Prioritizing is easier said than done but we should all be better at it at this point.

Over It

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It's your turn to receive some care for a change! Who else could use a little TLC from a loved one? You deserve it!

Just Facts

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Has anyone else aged a decade in the last year? It's been a rough one but we can all laugh at these relatable tweets because you know it's so very true. Willem Dafoe is such a stunner!


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Why do we all do this? We thought this was only a thing done when traveling in a car, but nope! People feel the need to announce the presence of cows whenever they're in sight.


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The most relatable tweets are the ones that cut the deepest. This one feels oh, so right. It's hard to focus on work "goals" when you're simply trying to survive. But, most of us have managed to keep it together. Go you!

Email Is Fine

25 relatable tweets

When we were researching relatable tweets for this list, we found a great deal about email. What's everyone's hangup with email? There's an entire article in the New York Times about how so many people dislike it. It's the least annoying form of communication that works more reliably than just about every other messaging service. It's fine. You're fine.

It's Fine

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It's time to grow up if this is relatable to you! You're not the only person in the room. Grow some thick skin and do your best not to laugh at others unfortunate circumstances. It's the polite thing to do.


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Do people enjoy the tension? We're not sure. Make those choices and get on with your life.


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Okay, this is one of the most relatable tweets for fans of the Great British Bake Off. Whenever you watch the program, you instantly become a professional baker who gets to judge amateur hour. As if you could do any better!

These Games We Play

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Do you play this game too? Waking up is tough some days and those few extra minutes snuggled under covers are priceless.


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This tweet is so relatable we think it should be put on a tombstone. Less stress and more fries feels like a mantra to live your life by.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 15 Funny Parenting Tweets From @Mommy_Cusses That Are Almost *Too* Relatable


25 relatable tweets

It's easier said than done to not worry what others think. People who tell you they do not must be liars because it seems to be a pervasive pattern of thought shared by a ton of folks. Remember this: no one is harder on you than you. You got this!

There you go! We hope you enjoyed these relatable tweets and that you feel a little less alone in your neurosis. Although life can feel really tough at times, alienating, and strange, chances are that someone else is feeling the exact same way as you and there are relatable tweets out there to prove it. Keep your chin up, you're going to get through this!


  • 1 These Relatable Tweets Will Make You Feel 100% Seen!
    • 1.1 Are You Normal?
    • 1.2 Okay?
    • 1.3 On Reaching Out
    • 1.4 Stop
    • 1.5 This Zoom Life
    • 1.6 Anyone?
    • 1.7 Just Curious
    • 1.8 Bottle It All Up
    • 1.9 Hit Repeat
    • 1.10 Now You See Me
    • 1.11 Florida Ruins Lives
    • 1.12 The Ways of This World
    • 1.13 Life Lesson
    • 1.14 A Way of Life
    • 1.15 Over It
    • 1.16 Just Facts
    • 1.17 Cows!
    • 1.18 Survive
    • 1.19 Email Is Fine
    • 1.20 It's Fine
    • 1.21 Tense
    • 1.22 GBBO
    • 1.23 These Games We Play
    • 1.24 Amen.
    • 1.25 Worries

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Mamas Uncut is THE online place for moms. We cover the latest about motherhood, parenting, and entertainment as well – all with a mom-focused twist. So if you're looking for parenting advice from real parents, we have plenty of it, all for moms from moms, and also experts. Because, at the end of the day, our mission is focused solely on empowering moms and moms-to-be with the knowledge and answers they're looking for in one safe space.



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