Whew, week 42 is here — and it's the official end of your pregnancy.

Your babe will probably get some extra monitoring in accelerate of your belatedly-comer'south debut.

Meanwhile, your doctor may recommend inducing labor to get the process moving along — and your piffling 1 (finally!) in your arms.

Your Baby at Week 42

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So calendar week 40's come and gone. That's frustrating (to put it mildly) but it'south certainly non unusual. Lots of pregnancies last into week 41 or fifty-fifty 42. Truth is, fewer than v pct of babies are born on their due appointment and about half of all babies don't brand their debut until well into the tenth month.

But babies can overstay their womb welcome — later on 42 weeks they are considered postmature. What does that mean? Information technology means a baby'southward skin may exist temporarily dry, cracked, peeling, loose, or wrinkled because the protective cheesy vernix was shed weeks ago. He may have longer finger and toe nails and longer hair. He'll have none of the fuzzy lanugo coating and he may exist born more warning (he is older and wiser after all!).

Because being postmature could also mean that the placenta is functioning less well and levels of amniotic fluid are dropping, you'll exist closely monitored to make sure Hotel Uterus is yet a welcoming identify for your guest. Any indication that it'south non hospitable anymore, and your practitioner volition likely recommend labor consecration. One thing's for sure — that sweet picayune bundle of infant is coming any day now.

At a Glance

Helping labor along

To induce labor, your doctor may use a drug called Pitocin, which is safe for you and baby and helps start contractions.

Time to exist induced?

Since there'due south a run a risk your placenta may not provide as much oxygen and nutrients to your baby, your physician might recommend inducing labor to be safe.

Checking up on baby

Though most babies keep to thrive well past week 40, your md will go along to monitor baby with a biophysical contour: an ultrasound to assess the baby, plus a nonstress test.

42 weeks pregnant is how many months?

If you lot're 42 weeks pregnant, you're in month 9 of your pregnancy. It's almost time! Notwithstanding accept questions? Here'south some more than data on how weeks, months and trimesters are broken downwards in pregnancy.

How big is my baby at 42 weeks?

At the 42-calendar week mark, your watermelon-sized baby is measuring around 19 to 22 inches and 7 and ix pounds.

Baby will be monitored

Although it's perfectly normal for a babe to arrive past the due date, you and your baby volition get some extra attention this calendar week. To be sure all is well, your practitioner will likely monitor your overdue baby with tests like nonstress tests or ultrasounds.

When this late-comer finally makes a debut, chances are baby's skin will be dry, cracked, peeling or wrinkled — all completely temporary. That's considering the protective vernix was shed weeks ago in anticipation of a delivery date that came and went.

A tardy baby will besides have longer nails, possibly longer hair and lilliputian or none of that baby fuzz (lanugo). She'll likewise be more than alarm: "Hi, Mommy!"

Tardily commitment

Well, the due date's come and gone … two weeks ago. You're still as pregnant every bit ever — make that, more pregnant than ever — and your baby is nevertheless happily ensconced in that uterine home.

At 42 weeks pregnant, you're not alone in your frustration and neither is your baby when it comes to tardiness.

Almost babies accept their own timetables for delivery; fewer than 5 percent are actually built-in on their due date. Many babies continue to thrive well past week forty, though you may have lost that "thriving" feeling long ago — but but to be sure, your practitioner is likely to monitor your infant through nonstress tests and biophysical profiles.

There'due south one thing for sure: Whenever your baby chooses to arrive, you'll exist meeting that petty packet of joy with open up arms. Happy cuddling!

Your Torso at Calendar week 42

42 Weeks Pregnant

Accept center

While you may experience every bit if this pregnancy has been going on forever, studies show that an estimated 70 percent of post-term pregnancies aren't post-term at all.

The frustrating mix-up is typically due to a miscalculation of the date of formulation, normally thanks to irregular ovulation or a mom'southward doubtfulness nigh the verbal date of the final menstrual period.

Even if you practice end up among the approximately 2 percent of women who are truly overdue, know that earlier this week is over, labor will brainstorm naturally — or when your practitioner induces it.

Of course, you're probably sick of everyone calling to see if you've had the baby withal. Only here's something to focus on equally you wait: By this time next week, you'll be snuggling with your newborn.

Past your due appointment?

Okay, afterward all those weeks of preparation, do you sort of have that bustle-up-and-wait feeling? At 42 weeks pregnant, you know why they phone call you an expectant mother — and why at present, in your 42nd long, long week, you may exist calling yourself an overexpectant mother.

Don't be discouraged — and don't call the folks at Guinness to put yourself down as the longest pregnancy on record. Information technology may be helpful to keep in mind that your estimated due appointment was just that — estimated.

So even though your baby seems to exist overdue, there's a chance your dates, and not your babe, are just a little off the marker, especially if you didn't have an early on ultrasound (before week 14) to engagement your pregnancy.

And then hang in at that place and continue to lookout for signs of impending labor — or become ready for an impending induction if your practitioner goes that route.

One prelabor sign to wait for may exist loose bowel movements. Some women experience mild diarrhea just prior to the onset of labor. Think of it every bit nature's enema — a way to empty your intestines to make room for the baby'southward passage through the birth canal.

Here's a happier thought: Past this fourth dimension next week, you'll have a brand new beautiful baby to cuddle in your arms and keep you up at nighttime. Expert luck!

Postpartum doula

Once the baby comes home, a new mom can expect to be exhausted and overwhelmed. (So tin can a new dad, by the way.) Who do you telephone call? A certified postpartum doula!

A doula will provide treat you and your baby, including breastfeeding advice, cooking, child intendance, errands and low-cal cleaning. This miracle worker volition teach and support you and your partner without judgment — and a doula won't laugh at your pathetic attempts at swaddling.

Such a pregnancy and postpartum helper knows all about emotional and physical recovery, baby soothing and coping skills, feeding, diapering — anything and everything that eases the catchy transition into parenthood.

The best way to find a postpartum doula is through word of oral cavity, so ask your pediatrician and your friends or cheque with DONA International.

Continue in mind that most doulas accuse an hourly rate, then you can be flexible about when and how ofttimes your pregnancy companion comes to aid. A few hours a day for the first couple of weeks might mean the difference between a mommy and a zombie.

Acquire more about what to ask a doula before you hire one.

Pregnancy Symptoms Week 42

More frequent Braxton Hicks contractions

At this tardily stage in the game you'll likely exist feeling more than frequent Braxton Hicks contractions — aka "practice" contractions that make your uterus experience hard — equally your trunk gets fix for labor. If you start to observe a regular pattern to the contractions, they may be the real thing. Read More

Bloody prove

As your cervix opens up in preparation for labor, you may see a pink or dark-brown discharge. This is perfectly normal and means that labor could happen within the next several days — but if the discharge is heavy (more than than two tablespoons or then) or is bright red, call your practitioner equally before long equally yous tin can since this bleeding could be a sign of placenta previa or placental abruption. Read More than

Water breaking

If you feel a gush, or even a steady trickle, of clear, odorless fluid, your amniotic sac has probably broken, assuasive amniotic fluid to leak out. Permit your practitioner know and follow the instructions on labor and commitment. Even though only about fifteen percent of women experience their h2o breaking before labor begins, y'all may be giving birth soon. Read More

Cervical dilation or effacement

Your practitioner has probably told you how dilated (open up) and effaced (thinned out) your neck is as information technology prepares for your babe to laissez passer through the nascence culvert. While there'southward nothing you can do to speed it up, if your practitioner feels there is a need to induce your labor, there are medications that tin motility this process forth. Read More than


Abdominal discomfort and diarrhea may be signs that labor is imminent; abdominal muscles relax before childbirth. Potable enough of fluids to stay hydrated and eat lightly to keep up your strength. Read More

Edema (swelling in feet and ankles)

Your actual fluids are at their peak volume and yous may be at your most immobile. That extra weight and discomfort tin bring on even more than swelling in your anxiety and ankles. Only don't forget to drink plenty of water to proceed fluids circulating through your system and try to sit or lie down with your anxiety elevated to prevent fluid from pooling there. Read More


It'south very possible that anxiety and discomfort are making information technology hard for you to get enough close-heart lately — and and then there's the urge to pee every five minutes throughout the dark. Consider talking to your partner before bed or writing down your worries so that you can remainder easier emotionally. So, do what you can to make your chamber every bit comfortable as possible — for example, open up a window to forestall stuffiness or employ a body pillow for extra support. Read More

Leaky breasts

Many women detect that toward the end of pregnancy they begin to leak colostrum from their nipples — a thin, yellowish fluid that is the forerunner to mature breast milk. If you're uncomfortable or wet, wear nursing pads in your bra. Read More than

Tips for You This Calendar week

Ask most inducing labor

Baby is at present officially late. Since your uterus is likely becoming less hospitable, if you don't go into labor on your own, your practitioner will likely schedule yous to be induced sometime this week. Whether you have an induction, or baby makes an arrival without help, you'll have to be tested for COVID-19 before delivering.

During an induction, your doc can use a topical hormone to ripen your cervix, which allows infant to enter the birth canal, or bound-start your contractions past breaking your h2o or administering Pitocin.

Monitor whatsoever contractions

If your contractions are strong, last at least 45 seconds and are coming more than often than every five minutes, call the doctor! Baby could well be on the way within a few hours.

Talk virtually the placenta

Planning on saving your placenta? Talk to your health care provider before you go into labor and then that there's no confusion when the time comes.

Note any bowel changes

Believe it or not, diarrhea might be a skillful sign that your baby is on the way — it'southward your body's way of clearing out the area.

Massage your perineum

Minimize the "sting" of nativity with perineal massage (only get your practitioner'southward okay first).

Here'southward how: Insert clean, lubricated thumbs into your vagina. Press down and slide across your perineum (the area betwixt your vagina and rectum) and dorsum continuously for 5 minutes. Repeat daily.

2d fourth dimension in labor? Adept news

This isn't your first labor? 2nd and subsequent labors and deliveries are usually — though not always — easier and shorter. Hooray!

Don't panic — infant volition exist here soon

At this bespeak, you're about as overdue every bit you can get, but try to stay calm and don't become too stressed. All is well equally long equally you're in regular affect with your practitioner and have plans to be induced soon if baby doesn't make an appearance. Get ready: Your footling bundle is almost here!

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author ofWhat to Wait When You lot're Expecting. What to Await follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such every bit peer-reviewed studies, academic enquiry institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content authentic and upwardly-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

  • What to Wait When You're Expecting, fifth edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  • WhatToExpect.com, What Is Pitocin Induction?, Apr 2020.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Diarrhea Before Labor (Prelabor Diarrhea), October 2020.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Perineal Massage, April 2020.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Inducing Labor: What Happens When You're Induced?, June 2021.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Delivering the Placenta, May 2021.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Labor Contractions: What Practice Contractions Feel Like?, December 2020.
  • WhatToExpect.com, What's the Average Labor Fourth dimension for a Second Baby?, May 2021.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics, Transitional Milk and Mature Milk, November 2009.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Bleeding During Pregnancy, May 2021.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Definition of Term Pregnancy, 2017.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, How to Tell When Labor Begins, May 2020.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Labor Induction, June 2018.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Methods for Estimating Due Engagement, May 2017.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Vital Statistics Reports, Births: Final Data for 2017, Nov 2018.
  • DONA International, Notice a Doula, 2021.
  • Lamaze International, Labor Day: What To Await, 2021.
  • Lamaze International, Top 10 Childbirth Fears (A Series): Will I Really Poop During Birth?, November 2015.
  • Mayo Clinic, Biophysical Contour, October 2019.
  • Mayo Clinic, Overdue Pregnancy: What to Do When Baby's Overdue, May 2020.
  • Mayo Clinic, Placenta Previa, March 2020.
  • Mayo Clinic, Signs of Labor: Know What to Expect, May 2019.
  • National Institutes of Wellness, National Library of Medicine, Am I In Labor?, June 2021.
  • National Institutes of Wellness, National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, Postterm Pregnancy, 2012.
  • Stanford Children'southward Wellness, Biophysical Contour, 2021.
  • Stanford Children's Health, Postmaturity in the Newborn, 2021.
  • U.South. Department of Health and Man Services, Office on Women'southward Wellness, Labor and Nativity, June 2018.
  • U.S. Section of Health and Human Services, Role on Women'due south Health, Pregnancy Complications, Apr 2019.
  • UpToDate.com, Biophysical Profile Examination for Antepartum Fetal Assessment, May 2021.
  • UpToDate.com, Patient Instruction: Postterm Pregnancy (Across the Basics), May 2021.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, National Middle for Biotechnology Data, Gestational Age and Induction of Labour for Prolonged Pregnancy, July 1997.

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